ABK conference costumeInventiveness was on display from start to cease at Abrakadoodle's conference. Staff and attendees came costumed as an artist or a piece of artwork for the welcoming prowl along the scenic Potomac River. Pam Rautmann, who serves Southeastern Wisconsin, won the prize for all-time costume representing an artist. She was a shoe-in as Frida Kahlo! Which two artists were most represented at conference? Salvador Dali, the surrealist painter and Jackson Pollock an abstract expressionist known for his unique drip style of painting. The prize for all-time costume representing a piece of fine art went to Geraldine Smythe, director of Abrakadoodle-Austin, TX and her lead teacher Letty Bouchon, who fashioned colorful head-to-toe costumes based upon artist Natasha Wescoat'southward famous jeweled trees.

All About Abrakadoodle: Check out a ane-and-a-half infinitesimal short history of Abrakadoodle as told through pictures!

Special thank you to our Abrakadoodle Artists of Distinction for their generous donations, too as our supportive conference sponsors: Warren Lewis of Akerman, Senterfitt, LLP, Washington, DC; Joe Bell, Bell & Frech, LLC, Brookeville, Doc; Mary Moore, Constant Contact, Waltham, MA; Amit Pamecha, FranConnect, Reston, VA; Peter McCann, Ideal Images, Omaha, NE; Marker Mahoney, JackRabbit Technologies, Cornelius, NC; Dan Wolanski, Mag Knight, Inc, Snohomish, WA; Dan Johnson/Amy Klotz, Nasco, Fort Atkinson, and Chris Mada, S&S Worldwide, Colchester, CT.